Der IRIS Newsletter 1/2008 beschäftigt sich mit Diversity Management in der betrieblichen Ausbildung. Interkulturalität und informelles Lernen waren die zentralen Themen des von September 2005 bis Dezember 2007 laufenden Projektes „ZIP – Zukunftsorientierte interkulturelle Personalentwicklungsstrategien“ im Rahmen der EU-Gemeinschaftsinitiative EQUAL-2.

The results of the project „ZIP.Konzepte“  are documented in the following publication in detailed form: Martin Alber, Andreas Foitzik, Jutta Goltz, Sabine Riescher, Gebhard Stein, Barbara Stock, Sibylle Walter (2008): Interkulturelle Potenziale nutzen. Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt “Zukunfts-orientierteinterkulturelle Personalentwicklungsstrategie” (ZIP). 2005-2008. Tübingen. This report is available in our download section to download as a PDF file. For more information on the project go to: ZIP-Project description.

Die Ergebnisse des Projekts ZIP.Konzepte sind in ausführlicher Form in folgender Publikation dokumentiert: Martin Alber, Andreas Foitzik, Jutta Goltz, Sabine Riescher, Gebhard Stein, Barbara Stock, Sibylle Walter (2008): Interkulturelle Potenziale nutzen. Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt “Zukunfts-orientierteinterkulturelle Personalentwicklungsstrategie” (ZIP). 2005-2008. Tübingen.

Since January 2008, IRIS in cooperation with the Institute of Education of the University of Tuebingen is in charge of the evaluation of the pilot project „Friends create success“ in Stuttgart. The objective of the project is to supply young people in the final stages of secondary school with support by other young people who have experienced similar difficulties. The peer mentors are recruited among alumni of the same secondary schools. The evaluation focuses on the effects that this particular …

Scientific monitoring of peer mentoring Weiterlesen »

IRIS e.V. is the scientific monitoring of the ESF – project “Praxiswerkstatt – Praxisorientierte Berufliche Kompetenzfeststellung“ at Offenburg. The project is a cooperation between the CCI BildungsZentrum and the Gewerbe Akademie Offenburg. It is financed by the ESF, the Federal Employment Agency and the Office of School and Education – Ortenau. The goal of the project is to provide an active support for pupils during the progress of occupational orientation. This is why the project enables a realistic contact with …

Practice Workshops Competence Assessment Weiterlesen »

IRIS is partner in a project commissioned by the Ministry for Economy and Social Affairs of the Free State of Saxony. Together with the University of Hildesheim and IRIS e.V. Dresden, IRIS is working on a study on the future changes in the system of vocational guidance in this region of Germany. IRIS‘ part of the study consists of three international country studies on vocational guidance systems in Austria, Denmark and the UK. Coordination body of the study is IRIS …

Development of vocational guidance in Saxony Weiterlesen »

Vocational guidance in Saxony IRIS is in charge of three case studies on European systems of vocational guidance. The overall objective of the study is to approve the cooperation between the education system and the business world in the Land of Saxony. The study is done in cooperation with Universität Hildesheim and IRIS e.V. Dresden – the latter being in charge of the overall integration of the part studies. IRIS Tübingen works out three international case studies on national systems …

International case studies on vocational guidance Weiterlesen »