Expertise on Informal Learning in Europe
Expertise on Informal Learning in Europe
Learning processes in youth work in Europe. Expertise in preparation of the National Report on Education
The background to this expertise is as follows: the German government commissioned the development of a concept for a Federal report on education and learning to the German Youth Institute who invited IRIS to contribute to the development.
The conceptual basis for the expertise has been a model of welfare and transition regimes which can be used to analyse the differences in societal and institutional images of young people between countries.
The collection of expertieses can be ordered from the German Youth Institute, the government report based on these expertises is available as a PDF file, entitled: Rauschenbach, Thomas et al.: Non-formale und informelle Bildung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Konzeptionelle Grundlagen für einen Nationalen Bildungsbericht. Reihe: Bildungsreform Band 6. Herausgegeben vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Bonn 2004.
Contact at IRIS: Axel Pohl, Andreas Walther