TTV – Tools of the Trade for Teaching in VET

Background of the project

The subject of the project is the teaching practice of trainers in VET (vocational and educational training).

The teaching practice of trainers is a strategically important issue for the quality of output and outcome in VET. Therefore the teaching practice has to be focused in the debate on development and the improvement of the VET system.

Problems around the teaching practice are:

a)      Training practices are largely individualized and not embedded in a systematic institutional and political support. There are no strategies to ensure support systems for trainers.

b)      There is a lack of pedagogical know-how concerning difficult situations with young people.

c)       There is hardly any exchange about good practices.

d)      Further training for trainers often does not meet their needs. It is not rooted in their daily reality.

e)      The quality of teaching is not explicitly relevant for VET.

f)       The existing resources in teaching (e.g. good practice) cannot be effectively used for the development of the VET system at all levels.

Based on the results of previous German projects IRIS as a project partner wants to transfer innovative German material, methods, knowledge on good practice and know-how on support structures to our partners in Spain, Italy and Romania.


  1. To make good practices in teaching visible, so that existing know-how and experiences in this area can be reflected and used for development of strategies for a quality improvement in teaching
  2. To embed the individualised teaching practice in training into structures where the know-how of teachers can be exchanged and in structures for institutional support.
  3. To transform the rather “intuitive” pedagogical practice of trainers in VET into reflected teaching.
  4. To install an institutional and political framework that supports trainers in the development of their competences as teachers.
  5. To contribute to a quality assurance concept in the context of EQARF, in order to bring the subject of teaching into the focus of the VET quality debate.



  • Handwerkskammer Freiburg (Chamber of Crafts) DE,


  • IRIS e.V., Tübingen (DE),
  • AREA Valencia (ES),
  • GENESIS Bologna (IT),
  • SOLARIS Pitesti (RO),
  • Fundacion Pascual Tomas, Valencia (ES),
  • CPFP (Centro Proviniciale di Formazione Professionale Societa Consortile) Ravenna (IT).

The project is financed as a LEONARDO Innovation Transfer Project (ITP)