It’s the aim of the project “Learning Locally”, to represent the educational landscape of the Rems-Murr-Kreis in a transparent way, to clarify responsibilities, to gather offers and educational institutions, and to coordinate, to network and to facilitate access. IRIS e.V., it covers two areas of the educational landscape in the Rems-Murr-Kreis. These first one is the non-formal and informal education programs in the specific structure of the associational youth work and the second one covers the structures and deals of …

“Learning Locally”-Studies published Weiterlesen »

It’s the aim of the project „Learning Locally“, to represent the educational landscape of the Rems-Murr-Kreis in a transparent way, to clarify responsibilities, to gather offers and educational institutions, and to coordinate, to network and to facilitate access. IRIS e.V., it covers two areas of the educational landscape in the Rems-Murr-Kreis. These firstly are the non-formal and informal education programs in the specific structure of the associational youth work and on the other hand the structures and deals of continuing …

Results of „Learning Locally“ Weiterlesen »

Background of the project The subject of the project is the teaching practice of trainers in VET (vocational and educational training). The teaching practice of trainers is a strategically important issue for the quality of output and outcome in VET. Therefore the teaching practice has to be focused in the debate on development and the improvement of the VET system.

This project is meant to link research generated knowledge on education and learning with the practice of professional training. The target of the project are trainers in SMEs especially in the crafts sector,  masters and trainers in the non-profit sector and lower secondary school teachers. The project supports members of the target groups to develop further their professional competence to empower them to improve education and learning processes for young people with problem-laden school careers. The project consists of six …

Project AdA – Train the Trainer Weiterlesen »

IRIS has been involved in the project ZIP-EQUAL from 2005 to 2008. The project has been dealing with the identification and development of intercultural potential among staff and HR managers in the field of public organisations and SMEs. Under the heading „Make use of intercultural potential“, IRIS has now published a comprehensive report. Download the PDF version of the report.

The results of the project „ZIP.Konzepte“  are documented in the following publication in detailed form: Martin Alber, Andreas Foitzik, Jutta Goltz, Sabine Riescher, Gebhard Stein, Barbara Stock, Sibylle Walter (2008): Interkulturelle Potenziale nutzen. Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt “Zukunfts-orientierteinterkulturelle Personalentwicklungsstrategie” (ZIP). 2005-2008. Tübingen. This report is available in our download section to download as a PDF file. For more information on the project go to: ZIP-Project description.

IRIS e.V. is the scientific monitoring of the ESF – project “Praxiswerkstatt – Praxisorientierte Berufliche Kompetenzfeststellung“ at Offenburg. The project is a cooperation between the CCI BildungsZentrum and the Gewerbe Akademie Offenburg. It is financed by the ESF, the Federal Employment Agency and the Office of School and Education – Ortenau. The goal of the project is to provide an active support for pupils during the progress of occupational orientation. This is why the project enables a realistic contact with …

Practice Workshops Competence Assessment Weiterlesen »

Future-oriented intercultural strategies of human resources development (ZIP) Funded under the EQUAL-Program through the European Social Fund (ESF) and the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Coordinated by BBQ gGmbH, Stuttgart. Duration: 2006-2007 The action research project ZIP is a so called EQUAL-Development Partnership which consists of educational institutions and institutions of public Administration in the Stuttgart area. Beyond this regional connection ZIP is linked with seven EQUAL-funded projects in Europe. Iris e.V. represents one of the regional …

Details on ZIP-EQUAL Weiterlesen »

Youth report Baden-Wuerttemberg 2003 In 2002/2003 IRIS e.V. produced (together with colleagues from the University of Tuebingen) the part-report „Youth work“ within the 2nd Youth Report in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The aim of the IRIS-part was to explain the structure of children and youth work in Baden-Wuerttemberg but also its resources and perspectives, especially related to ist relevance for „formation“ and „education“. Some of the most important aspects are: One of the main resources of children and youth work is ist richness …

Youth report Baden-Württemberg 2003 Weiterlesen »

European Conference for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners on the experiences of young people with support measures for transitions to work, 6-8 June 2002 in Madrid. From 6 to 8 June 2002 IRIS together with AREA (Asociácion Regional y Europea de Análisis, Valencia) and in collaboration with the Spanish Youth Institute organised a European conference on „Young People and Transition Policies in Europe“. The conference addressed policy makers, institutional representatives and researchers. The project started from the observation that existing policies …

Young People and Transition Policies in Europe Weiterlesen »

1996-1999 Construction of a regional network for the creation of new employment opportunities in the social services area for women in a rural countryside (funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Art. 10) 1990-1998 Regional studies on young people’s transitions to work (Regions: Zollernalbkreis 1990, Ostalbkreis 1992, Alb-Donau-Kreis 1997, Landkreis Sigmaringen 1998).