1998-2000 Evaluation of the pilot project „NEWOL“ (New Ways of Learning for SMEs)coordinated by Kolpingbildungswerk Stuttgart; funded by the EC’s LEONARDO-Programme. 1997-1999 Coordination of the research project „Success criteria for the further training of women“; funded by the programme LEONARDO da VINCI. 1997-1998 Research project „Dropping out and secondary education“; coordinated by IARD, Milano; funded by the DG Education and Culture.

European conferences on the prerequisites, consequences and contradictions of lifelong learning 1996 (Dresden) and 1998 (Lissabon).   In 1996, the European Year of Lifelong Learning, IRIS together with other EGRIS partners initiated a series of two European conferences to clarify the meaning and the impli8cations of the conceopt of lifeling learning. The first conference 1996 in Dresden under the title „Options for the Integration of Living, Learning and Working“ dealt with the relationship between lifelong larning and changed life courses …

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