Youth participation has been one of the topics of the European research project UP2YOUTH. Now a new volume builds on the results of the project and sheds new light into an old topic. The volume is entitled „Youth participation in Europe. Beyond discourses, practices and realities“ and is edited by Patricia Loncle, Morena Cuconato, Virginie Muniglia and Andreas Walther More information is at the publisher’s Website. More on the project at

Since January 2010 IRIS is part of the European research project „Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. Access, coping and relevance of education for young people in European knowledge societies in comparative perspective (GOETE)“. There are 13 partner institutes from 8 European countries involved (Germany, Finland, France, UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovenia). The multidisciplinary consortium brings together researchers from such diverse areas as social education, educational science, comparative educational science, policy studies, sociology, social work and economics. The …

New European research project from January 2010: GOETE Weiterlesen »

„Youth – actor of social change. Findings from European youth research“ is the title of the UP2YOUTH policy seminar to be held 5-6 March 2009 in Brussels. This event is organised by the project ‚Youth – actor of social change‘ (UP2YOUTH) together with the European Commission’s DG Research and other EU-funded research projects.

One of the working groups of the UP2YOUTH project is dealing with the situation and coping strategies of young parents. UP2YOUTH is a European research network funded by the EU’s 6th framework programme. It gathers 17 research institutions from all over Europe . For more information, please visit the Internet portal

One thematic strand of the European research project UP2YOUTH – Youth as Actor of Social Change is dealing with the transitions to work of young people with a migration background and from ethnic minorities. The working group is trying to answer the following research questions: Individualisation How do young migrants and youth from ethnic minorities manage education and labour market entrance? What are their specific problems and coping strategies? Which (discriminating) limitations are ethnic minority youth facing in education systems …

UP2YOUTH – Transitions of youth with a migration background Weiterlesen »

The study „Policy measures for disadvantaged youth“ has been published and is available for download from DG Employment’s website. It can be downloaded from A permanent link to the PDF is More on the project…

Cooperation partners on the European level  AREA, Asociación Regional y Europea de Análisis, Valencia, Spanien Centre for Social Psychology, Universität Ljubljana, Slowenien Centre of Youth Studies, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Niederlande Department for Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, Irland Department of Educational Science, University of Bologna, Italien Department of Psychology, Universität Kopenhagen, Dänemark Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Applied Social Sciences, University of Glasgow, Schottland Department of Sociology, University of Urbino, Italien Forschungsgruppe INSONA, Public University of Navarra, Spanien Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, …

Europe Weiterlesen »

YOYO – Youth Policy and Participation „Youth Policies and Participation“ (YOYO) is an EGRIS (European Group for Integrated Social Research) project, coordinated by IRIS e.V. (Institut für regionale Innovation und Sozialforschung) Tübingen and funded the European Commision’s 5. Framework Programme for Research.

Comparative analysis on the changed role of the family against the background of longer and more complicated transitions of young women and men into work an economic independency. The ‘Families and Transitions in Europe’ research project has been funded under the Improving the Human Potential key action of the European Commissions Fifth Framework Programme. It was developed and carried out in the framework of the European research network EGRIS and has been coordinated by the School of Policy Studies at …

The European research project FATE Weiterlesen »