The „Mixed Double“ project aims at developing new ways of cooperation between schools and youth welfare organisations. IRIS is in charge of the scientific evaluation of the project which has been launched officially on 11 February 2011. More information (in German) can be found at the website of the coordinating organisation „Martin-Bonhoeffer-Häuser„.

  This year the staff members of IRIS e.V. took advantage of the annual Institute excursion to visit the integration and educational center of „dialog e.V.“ in Reutlingen.         More information about „dialog e.V.“: dialog e.V., Integration and educational center Ringelbachstraße 195 72762 Reutlingen Galina Lerner President 07121 / 82501  

IRIS has been involved in the project ZIP-EQUAL from 2005 to 2008. The project has been dealing with the identification and development of intercultural potential among staff and HR managers in the field of public organisations and SMEs. Under the heading „Make use of intercultural potential“, IRIS has now published a comprehensive report. Download the PDF version of the report.

The results of the project „ZIP.Konzepte“  are documented in the following publication in detailed form: Martin Alber, Andreas Foitzik, Jutta Goltz, Sabine Riescher, Gebhard Stein, Barbara Stock, Sibylle Walter (2008): Interkulturelle Potenziale nutzen. Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt “Zukunfts-orientierteinterkulturelle Personalentwicklungsstrategie” (ZIP). 2005-2008. Tübingen. This report is available in our download section to download as a PDF file. For more information on the project go to: ZIP-Project description.

Future-oriented intercultural strategies of human resources development (ZIP) Funded under the EQUAL-Program through the European Social Fund (ESF) and the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Coordinated by BBQ gGmbH, Stuttgart. Duration: 2006-2007 The action research project ZIP is a so called EQUAL-Development Partnership which consists of educational institutions and institutions of public Administration in the Stuttgart area. Beyond this regional connection ZIP is linked with seven EQUAL-funded projects in Europe. Iris e.V. represents one of the regional …

Details on ZIP-EQUAL Weiterlesen »

Comparative analysis on the changed role of the family against the background of longer and more complicated transitions of young women and men into work an economic independency. The ‘Families and Transitions in Europe’ research project has been funded under the Improving the Human Potential key action of the European Commissions Fifth Framework Programme. It was developed and carried out in the framework of the European research network EGRIS and has been coordinated by the School of Policy Studies at …

The European research project FATE Weiterlesen »

1996-1999 Construction of a regional network for the creation of new employment opportunities in the social services area for women in a rural countryside (funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Art. 10) 1990-1998 Regional studies on young people’s transitions to work (Regions: Zollernalbkreis 1990, Ostalbkreis 1992, Alb-Donau-Kreis 1997, Landkreis Sigmaringen 1998).

1996-1999 Coordination of the pilot project „Regional cooperation network to create new job opportunities“ for women in social services, for children, young people and deprived persons in a rural and structurally weak region, under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), article 10. 1997-1999 Coordinator of the project „Success criteria for the continuing education of women“; financed from the program „LEONARDO da VINCI“ of the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Union.

1999-2001 German co-ordination of the project INTEMIGRA on the topic of migration in Europe, in Germany with a special focus on ethnic Germans. Funded by INTERREG II C (CADSES). Partners are from Italy (e.g. Regione Abruzze) and Greece. 1997-1998 Lodging and housing policies for immigrants in Europe. Co-operation with MAPPAMONDO, Ravenna, Italy.

  1998-2000 Evaluation of the pilot project „NEWOL“ (New Ways of Learning for SMEs)coordinated by Kolpingbildungswerk Stuttgart; funded by the EC’s LEONARDO-Programme. 1997-1999 Coordination of the research project „Success criteria for the further training of women“; funded by the programme LEONARDO da VINCI. 1997-1998 Research project „Dropping out and secondary education“; coordinated by IARD, Milano; funded by the DG Education and Culture.