„Youth as actors of social change“, in the series „youth research“ appeared in the publishing house „Juventa“. In the book edited by Axel Pohl, Barbara Stauber and Andreas Walther, results from national and international comparative studies on „Changed transition curves, structural barriers and coping strategies“ are presented. It takes up the topic of the European research project UP2YOUTH and deals with different thematic and methodological perspectives on the act of teenagers and young adults.

„Youth – actor of social change. Findings from European youth research“ is the title of the UP2YOUTH policy seminar to be held 5-6 March 2009 in Brussels. This event is organised by the project ‚Youth – actor of social change‘ (UP2YOUTH) together with the European Commission’s DG Research and other EU-funded research projects.

YOYO – Youth Policy and Participation „Youth Policies and Participation“ (YOYO) is an EGRIS (European Group for Integrated Social Research) project, coordinated by IRIS e.V. (Institut für regionale Innovation und Sozialforschung) Tübingen and funded the European Commision’s 5. Framework Programme for Research.

Evaluation of employment policies for young adults in Europe regarding non-intended effects of social exclusion. Financed by the European Commission under the 4th Framework Programme for Research, Technology, and Demonstration, „Targeted Socio-Economic Research“ (TSER, Area III.4), carried out through EGRIS, coordinated by IRIS e.V. Duration: 1998-2001 The thematic network ‚Misleading Trajectories‘ has been concerned with the traps of social exclusion within policies addressing young people’s transitions to work (school, vocational training, careers advice, social security, labour market programmes). The network …

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