Schlagwort: Transitions
GOETE Newsletter
Who is governing education? The European research project “Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe” (acronym: GOETE) seeks to add to the European knowledge-base on how educational trajectories are organised across European countries. This first project newsletter gives a short introduction into the projects objectives, the research methods applied and the first activities in the start-up phase of the project.
GOETE Kick-off meeting
On 29 January 2010 the new EU-funded research project „Governance of educational trajectories in Europe“ (GOETE) will celebrate its start with a public symposium. IRIS is a partner within GOETE which is coordinated by the Institute of Educational Science of the University of Tübingen. More information can be found at the website of the Institute: GOETE Symposium Programme
New European research project from January 2010: GOETE
Since January 2010 IRIS is part of the European research project „Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. Access, coping and relevance of education for young people in European knowledge societies in comparative perspective (GOETE)“. There are 13 partner institutes from 8 European countries involved (Germany, Finland, France, UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovenia). The multidisciplinary consortium brings together researchers from such diverse areas as social education, educational science, comparative educational science, policy studies, sociology, social work and economics. The …
New European research project from January 2010: GOETE Weiterlesen »
Details of the GOETE-Project
Since January 2010, IRIS is a partner in the European research project: „Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. Access, coping and relevance of education for young people in European knowledge societies in comparative perspective (GOETE)“. The study is about educational careers of children and young people from the transition out of the primary to secondary education up to the transition in further education or training programs. It deals with the social embeddedness and regulation of educational trajectories and the interaction between …
Project „Peer-Mentoring“ is completed
The results of the evaluation have been published in a report. IRIS e.V., in cooperation with the Institute of Education at the University of Tübingen, was entrusted with the evaluation of the mentoring project „Friends create success“ (Caritas Stuttgart). Within the project, mentorship was conceptually designed as a „support of equals“. Based on a similar status by small age difference between the peer and the mentee, an innovative monitoring structure for young secondary school students was implemented. Die Evaluation wurde im …
Results of the UP2YOUTH project
The European research project UP2YOUTH has ended in summer. The results of the project are now summarized at the UP2YOUTH-Website.
Scientific monitoring of peer mentoring
Since January 2008, IRIS in cooperation with the Institute of Education of the University of Tuebingen is in charge of the evaluation of the pilot project „Friends create success“ in Stuttgart. The objective of the project is to supply young people in the final stages of secondary school with support by other young people who have experienced similar difficulties. The peer mentors are recruited among alumni of the same secondary schools. The evaluation focuses on the effects that this particular …
Development of vocational guidance in Saxony
IRIS is partner in a project commissioned by the Ministry for Economy and Social Affairs of the Free State of Saxony. Together with the University of Hildesheim and IRIS e.V. Dresden, IRIS is working on a study on the future changes in the system of vocational guidance in this region of Germany. IRIS‘ part of the study consists of three international country studies on vocational guidance systems in Austria, Denmark and the UK. Coordination body of the study is IRIS …
International case studies on vocational guidance
Vocational guidance in Saxony IRIS is in charge of three case studies on European systems of vocational guidance. The overall objective of the study is to approve the cooperation between the education system and the business world in the Land of Saxony. The study is done in cooperation with Universität Hildesheim and IRIS e.V. Dresden – the latter being in charge of the overall integration of the part studies. IRIS Tübingen works out three international case studies on national systems …
International case studies on vocational guidance Weiterlesen »
IRIS Newsletter 2/2007: Transitions to parenthood
The latest IRIS Newsletter 2/2007 deals with transitions to parenthood.
UP2YOUTH – Transitions of youth with a migration background
One thematic strand of the European research project UP2YOUTH – Youth as Actor of Social Change is dealing with the transitions to work of young people with a migration background and from ethnic minorities. The working group is trying to answer the following research questions: Individualisation How do young migrants and youth from ethnic minorities manage education and labour market entrance? What are their specific problems and coping strategies? Which (discriminating) limitations are ethnic minority youth facing in education systems …
UP2YOUTH – Transitions of youth with a migration background Weiterlesen »
More on Disadvantaged Youth in Europe
Funding: The Thematic Study has been commissioned by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Duration December 2004 – October 2005
IRIS-Newsletter 1/2006 published
No English version of this article available yet, sorry for the inconvenience.
Disadvantaged Youth study published
The study „Policy measures for disadvantaged youth“ has been published and is available for download from DG Employment’s website. It can be downloaded from A permanent link to the PDF is More on the project…