The network „Racism critical Migration-Pedagogics in Baden-Württemberg“, among many other organizations, calls the state government to to prevent the planned deportation of more than 10,000 Roma back to Kosovo and to create a possibility to stay permanently. Who wants to emphasize and give the call a signing is invited to visit the Website

This project is meant to link research generated knowledge on education and learning with the practice of professional training. The target of the project are trainers in SMEs especially in the crafts sector,  masters and trainers in the non-profit sector and lower secondary school teachers. The project supports members of the target groups to develop further their professional competence to empower them to improve education and learning processes for young people with problem-laden school careers. The project consists of six …

Project AdA – Train the Trainer Weiterlesen »

IRIS has been involved in the project ZIP-EQUAL from 2005 to 2008. The project has been dealing with the identification and development of intercultural potential among staff and HR managers in the field of public organisations and SMEs. Under the heading „Make use of intercultural potential“, IRIS has now published a comprehensive report. Download the PDF version of the report.

The results of the project „ZIP.Konzepte“  are documented in the following publication in detailed form: Martin Alber, Andreas Foitzik, Jutta Goltz, Sabine Riescher, Gebhard Stein, Barbara Stock, Sibylle Walter (2008): Interkulturelle Potenziale nutzen. Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt “Zukunfts-orientierteinterkulturelle Personalentwicklungsstrategie” (ZIP). 2005-2008. Tübingen. This report is available in our download section to download as a PDF file. For more information on the project go to: ZIP-Project description.

One thematic strand of the European research project UP2YOUTH – Youth as Actor of Social Change is dealing with the transitions to work of young people with a migration background and from ethnic minorities. The working group is trying to answer the following research questions: Individualisation How do young migrants and youth from ethnic minorities manage education and labour market entrance? What are their specific problems and coping strategies? Which (discriminating) limitations are ethnic minority youth facing in education systems …

UP2YOUTH – Transitions of youth with a migration background Weiterlesen »

Future-oriented intercultural strategies of human resources development (ZIP) Funded under the EQUAL-Program through the European Social Fund (ESF) and the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Coordinated by BBQ gGmbH, Stuttgart. Duration: 2006-2007 The action research project ZIP is a so called EQUAL-Development Partnership which consists of educational institutions and institutions of public Administration in the Stuttgart area. Beyond this regional connection ZIP is linked with seven EQUAL-funded projects in Europe. Iris e.V. represents one of the regional …

Details on ZIP-EQUAL Weiterlesen »

Evaluation of JUST – „Youth in the Neighbourhood“ Project description IRIS evaluated this project from 1994-1998. Project lead: Beauftragter für ausländische Einwohner der Stadt Mannheim Herr Helmut Schmitt Rathaus, E5 68159 Mannheim Some results were published as: Pohl, Axel: Jungenspezifische Suchtprävention. In: Deutsche Hauptstelle gegen die Suchtgefahren (Hrsg.): Suchtmittelkonsumierende Jugendliche in Einrichtungen der stationären Jugendhilfe. Manual für die Jugendhilfe. Hamm: DHS, 2002, S. 99-112. The entire handbook can be downloaded as PDF-Data Download. Contact at IRIS: Axel Pohl

1999-2001 German co-ordination of the project INTEMIGRA on the topic of migration in Europe, in Germany with a special focus on ethnic Germans. Funded by INTERREG II C (CADSES). Partners are from Italy (e.g. Regione Abruzze) and Greece. 1997-1998 Lodging and housing policies for immigrants in Europe. Co-operation with MAPPAMONDO, Ravenna, Italy.