Untersuchungsergebnisse aus qualitativen Interviews mit Fachkräften und Projektteilnehmenden Gebhard Stein Martin Alber Studie zur Jugendberufshilfe 2022 Link zur Studie: https://www.eva-stuttgart.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/2_unsere_angebote/bildung_beruf/Studie_zur_Jugendberufshilfe_2022-Iris_e.V.-eva-Caritas-Webversion.pdf

The research project „Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe (GOETE)“ has asked the young people involved in the study to express their own views on their transitions in the education system. Together with the researchers the young people have produced a variety of film formats on what education means to them. The outcome are a wealtch of different approaches from video interviews to documentaries on a typical school day to a 30 minute fiction movie.

On March 21, 2013, the international research project GOETE will hold its final conference in Frankfurt a.M./Germany. Under the heading of „Youth and Educational Disadvantage: The Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe“ will be presented and discussed. At the centre of attention is a dialogue between research, practice and policy on the topic. GOETE was carried out in collaboration with 14 international partners in eight European countries (Germany, Finland, France, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, and Slovenia). The project focused on …

GOETE final conference on March 21, 2013 Weiterlesen »

Youth participation has been one of the topics of the European research project UP2YOUTH. Now a new volume builds on the results of the project and sheds new light into an old topic. The volume is entitled „Youth participation in Europe. Beyond discourses, practices and realities“ and is edited by Patricia Loncle, Morena Cuconato, Virginie Muniglia and Andreas Walther More information is at the publisher’s Website. More on the project at www.up2youth.org.

It’s the aim of the project “Learning Locally”, to represent the educational landscape of the Rems-Murr-Kreis in a transparent way, to clarify responsibilities, to gather offers and educational institutions, and to coordinate, to network and to facilitate access. IRIS e.V., it covers two areas of the educational landscape in the Rems-Murr-Kreis. These first one is the non-formal and informal education programs in the specific structure of the associational youth work and the second one covers the structures and deals of …

“Learning Locally”-Studies published Weiterlesen »

The network „Racism critical Migration-Pedagogics in Baden-Württemberg“, among many other organizations, calls the state government to to prevent the planned deportation of more than 10,000 Roma back to Kosovo and to create a possibility to stay permanently. Who wants to emphasize and give the call a signing is invited to visit the Website www.aufruf-gegen-abschiebung.de.

The „Mixed Double“ project aims at developing new ways of cooperation between schools and youth welfare organisations. IRIS is in charge of the scientific evaluation of the project which has been launched officially on 11 February 2011. More information (in German) can be found at the website of the coordinating organisation „Martin-Bonhoeffer-Häuser„.

  This year the staff members of IRIS e.V. took advantage of the annual Institute excursion to visit the integration and educational center of „dialog e.V.“ in Reutlingen.         More information about „dialog e.V.“: dialog e.V., Integration and educational center Ringelbachstraße 195 72762 Reutlingen Galina Lerner President 07121 / 82501  

 „Youth as actors of social change“, in the series „youth research“ appeared in the publishing house „Juventa“. In the book edited by Axel Pohl, Barbara Stauber and Andreas Walther, results from national and international comparative studies on „Changed transition curves, structural barriers and coping strategies“ are presented. It takes up the topic of the European research project UP2YOUTH and deals with different thematic and methodological perspectives on the act of teenagers and young adults.

Who is governing education? The European research project “Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe” (acronym: GOETE) seeks to add to the European knowledge-base on how educational trajectories are organised across European countries. This first project newsletter gives a short introduction into the projects objectives, the research methods applied and the first activities in the start-up phase of the project.

IRIS now pursues a clear open access strategy. I.e. all papers published by IRIS staff will be freely available. According to estimates, the state supports the science and research with about 12 billion euros. The results of the research, however, appear mainly in expensive journals. For these public libraries, students and researchers have to spend much. So the state pays a second time for the results of the research financed by it. As a substantially publicly funded institution IRIS e.V. decided to …

Open Access Strategy Weiterlesen »

On 29 January 2010 the new EU-funded research project „Governance of educational trajectories in Europe“ (GOETE) will celebrate its start with a public symposium. IRIS is a partner within GOETE which is coordinated by the Institute of Educational Science of the University of Tübingen. More information can be found at the website of the Institute:   GOETE Symposium Programme

Since January 2010 IRIS is part of the European research project „Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. Access, coping and relevance of education for young people in European knowledge societies in comparative perspective (GOETE)“. There are 13 partner institutes from 8 European countries involved (Germany, Finland, France, UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovenia). The multidisciplinary consortium brings together researchers from such diverse areas as social education, educational science, comparative educational science, policy studies, sociology, social work and economics. The …

New European research project from January 2010: GOETE Weiterlesen »