The study „Policy measures for disadvantaged youth“ has been published and is available for download from DG Employment’s website. It can be downloaded from A permanent link to the PDF is More on the project…

YOYO – Youth Policy and Participation „Youth Policies and Participation“ (YOYO) is an EGRIS (European Group for Integrated Social Research) project, coordinated by IRIS e.V. (Institut für regionale Innovation und Sozialforschung) Tübingen and funded the European Commision’s 5. Framework Programme for Research.

European Conference for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners on the experiences of young people with support measures for transitions to work, 6-8 June 2002 in Madrid. From 6 to 8 June 2002 IRIS together with AREA (Asociácion Regional y Europea de Análisis, Valencia) and in collaboration with the Spanish Youth Institute organised a European conference on „Young People and Transition Policies in Europe“. The conference addressed policy makers, institutional representatives and researchers. The project started from the observation that existing policies …

Young People and Transition Policies in Europe Weiterlesen »

“Sackgassen – Umleitungen – Überholspuren?” – Risks of exclusion and new perspectives in transitions to work Transnational Knowledge Transfer Project I. Objectives This project aimed at improving the situation of young people in their transitions to work by furthering the dialogue between research, practice and policy-making. For this aim, regional conferences were held in four European partner regions to discuss the outcomes of the TSER-funded research network “Misleading Trajectories”). In Baden-Württemberg there were the following events held: a regional symposium on 20.10.99 …

1999-2000 Dead end streets… Weiterlesen »

In 2001, the European Commission charged a cosortium of 18 youth research institutions with the preparation of a comprehensive report on the situation of young people in the European Union. With the Milan-based institute IARD in the lead, the consortium produced a report with three special focuses: the social situation of youths in the EU, youth policies in Europe and the training of youth workers. IRIS was responsable for the third part of the study – an overview of training …

IARD-Study Information Weiterlesen »

Evaluation of JUST – „Youth in the Neighbourhood“ Project description IRIS evaluated this project from 1994-1998. Project lead: Beauftragter für ausländische Einwohner der Stadt Mannheim Herr Helmut Schmitt Rathaus, E5 68159 Mannheim Some results were published as: Pohl, Axel: Jungenspezifische Suchtprävention. In: Deutsche Hauptstelle gegen die Suchtgefahren (Hrsg.): Suchtmittelkonsumierende Jugendliche in Einrichtungen der stationären Jugendhilfe. Manual für die Jugendhilfe. Hamm: DHS, 2002, S. 99-112. The entire handbook can be downloaded as PDF-Data Download. Contact at IRIS: Axel Pohl

1999-2001 German co-ordination of the project INTEMIGRA on the topic of migration in Europe, in Germany with a special focus on ethnic Germans. Funded by INTERREG II C (CADSES). Partners are from Italy (e.g. Regione Abruzze) and Greece. 1997-1998 Lodging and housing policies for immigrants in Europe. Co-operation with MAPPAMONDO, Ravenna, Italy.

  1998-2000 Evaluation of the pilot project „NEWOL“ (New Ways of Learning for SMEs)coordinated by Kolpingbildungswerk Stuttgart; funded by the EC’s LEONARDO-Programme. 1997-1999 Coordination of the research project „Success criteria for the further training of women“; funded by the programme LEONARDO da VINCI. 1997-1998 Research project „Dropping out and secondary education“; coordinated by IARD, Milano; funded by the DG Education and Culture.

Contrary to many training schemes, performing arts offer young women and men the opportunity to present themselves from a less „problem-oriented“ side: in fact not as an „early school-leaver“ or „under-achiever“, but as a musician, an actor/actress and so on. Before this background, this research project aimed at learning more about the special learning processes happening in performing arts projects for „disadvantaged“ young people which for working purposes we had „Secondary learning effects…“ Research questions and design: Which active role …

Secondary learning effects Weiterlesen »